Great Collections You Won't Find Elsewhere
Whether you wish to purchase antique jewelry or add to your coin collection, L & B Coins will gladly serve you! We have over 30 years of experience in the industry, and we'll use that experience to serve you better.
Visit us today
and browse through our wide selection of coins and jewelry. We estimate pricing within minutes!
Our Jewelry Products
If jewelry is what you're looking for, come to L & B Coins! We have one of the largest inventories of costume and estate jewelry in the Stateline area. Choose from a full line of current, antique, and estate jewelry, all of which is available at
prices! Selected items for Eisenberg, Kramer, Weiss, Whiting Davis, and more are also available.
Visit us today! Our jewelry specialist with over 30 years of experience will be happy to assist you. Dealers are welcome.
Our Coin Products
- All US mint items
- Gold
- Silver
- Platinum
- Palladium
- Sterling Silver
- Silver Plate
- Flatware
- Diamonds
- Coins
- Currency
- Jewelry
- Watches
- Dental Gold
- Gold and silver bullion (buy and sell)
- Complete line of coin supplies
- reference books
- coin holders
- folders
Our coin specialist has over 20 years of experience in the industry and is in store Monday through Saturday, ready to help you. We have thousands of coins in stock. If we don't have it, we'll do our best to get it.
Visit us now!
The Thermo Scientific XRF Precious Metal Analyzer
With the volatility and high price of gold, precious metals, and gems, you can't afford the time or the potential inaccuracies of traditional testing methods of determining the value of items being bought, sold, or recycled.
Using Thermo Scientific™ portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers, now with Thermo Scientific AuDIT™ gold-plating detection technology, you can find out in just a few seconds, with fire assay-comparable accuracy, the precious metal content in jewelry, coins, and other valuable products.
That's all it takes — one push of a button or a simple trigger pull — and almost instantly, you'll have an accurate purity analysis for on-the-spot sorting and valuation of gold and all precious metals, as well as the quantification of other desirable and undesirable elements.
What Our XRF Technology Can Do
Because of the value of gold and other precious metals, it's vital that no material is lost in the testing process. With our portable XRF technology, analysis is:
- Fast
- Reliable
- Simple and easy to use (minimal to no sample preparation required)
- Nondestructive (no harsh acids or chemicals)